If you’re anything like me, you probably have a stack of SQL views just to simplify report writing. Since text entries are so pervasive to TMS’s operation, I find that I am constantly making use of them in various Crystal Reports. Here’s a time-saver: a SQL view that combines the four tables used for controlling …
Avoiding an “Invalid Property Array Index” Error
In 5 (Often Forgotten) Productivity Tools I mentioned that List Views are a great way to review data. However, the TMS interface expects the SQL view to return only one row per selected record. If your table joins create more than one row per record, then TMS will truncate the SQL view results. If your …
Searching for a Date
According to Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images, the creation date of an artifact is made up of three components: a free-text field, which is indexed using “two numbers to delimit the beginning and end of the implied date span.” In TMS, this information is recorded in the Objects.Dated, …
In 2006, Microsoft acquired the Seattle-based Seadragon Software, reputedly for improving image access for cell-phone users. Seadragon specializes in high-resolution image viewing and manipulation that has applications in digital asset management and web image services. This emerging technology could provide efficient, seamless zooming functionality for museum’s wishing to make high-resolution images available through the web.
Check, mate: Creating a checkbox in Crystal Reports
Museum checklists and databases use boolean values, but, currently, there is no way to graphically represent this information in Crystal Reports. Here’s a quick work around to display checkboxes. In this example we will create a graphical checkbox to display if the object record is set for public access.