In 5 (Often Forgotten) Productivity Tools I mentioned that List Views are a great way to review data. However, the TMS interface expects the SQL view to return only one row per selected record. If your table joins create more than one row per record, then TMS will truncate the SQL view results. If your …
Category :The Museum System
5 (Often Forgotten) Productivity Tools in TMS
Schools are closing, and temperatures are rising: Summer is arriving. As end-users are preparing to leave for the traditional family vacation, here are five (often forgotten) tools to help them work smarter.
Assign Status Flags using an Object Package
Object Packages are a great way to collect together disparate artifact records, for whatever reason the package creator decides. By the same token, Status Flags are a great way to identify artifact records with special attributes, or that require special attention. A great time saver would be if you could mass assign a status flag …
Get Location Authority Statistics
The Usage Report feature is a great way to keep track of what authority terms have or haven’t been used within TMS. The problem is that the Usage Report feature sometimes isn’t extensive enough – in this case covering the Location Authority. I designed this SQL query to help.
Quick Start Guide
Like many institutions, the seasons are not marked by a change in the weather or the calendar, but instead by the influx of new interns. Invariably, I will get a call requesting access to TMS for them, but their start dates and schedules make scheduling a group training session untenable. Here’s an easy way to …