SQL Scripting, The Museum System

Assign Status Flags using an Object Package

Object Packages are a great way to collect together disparate artifact records, for whatever reason the package creator decides. By the same token, Status Flags are a great way to identify artifact records with special attributes, or that require special attention. A great time saver would be if you could mass assign a status flag to the contents of an object package. You can, with this little SQL script…

Simply set @myFlagName, @myPkgName, and @myLoginName with the name of status flag, the object package, and the package owner (As seen in the Owner field of the Package Explorer), respectively.

DECLARE @myFlagName NVARCHAR(32), @myPkgName NVARCHAR(64), @myLoginName NVARCHAR(32)

SET @myFlagName = N'Status_Flag'
SET @myPkgName = N'Package_name'
SET @myLoginName = N'Login_Name'

/* Do not edit anything beneath this line */

SELECT @myFlagID = FlagID
FROM FlagLabels
WHERE FlagLabel = @myFlagName

SELECT @myPkgID = PackageID 
FROM Packages 
WHERE TableID = 108
AND Name = @myPkgName
AND Owner = @myLoginName

	WHERE FlagID = @myFlagID
	AND ObjectID IN ( SELECT ID FROM PackageList WHERE PackageID = @myPkgID )
INSERT INTO StatusFlags ( ObjectID, FlagID, OnOff, LoginID)
	( SELECT ID, @myFlagID, '1', @myLoginName
	FROM PackageList WHERE PackageID = @myPkgID )

What scenarios do you have where you need to batch assign status flags?

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Assign Status Flags using an Object Package

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