SQL Scripting, The Museum System

Perpetual Calendar: Updating a Date Field in a Saved Query

I have a saved query in TMS that I run every day. And every day, I have to change the date field to reflect the current date. Perhaps in the future, Gallery Systems will provide a new relationship “Is Today” for date fields, but until that happens here’s a hack to try.

Let’s start by getting the QueryID for our desired saved query, using the following SQL:

SELECT Q.QueryID, Q.Name, T.TableName AS Module, Q.Owner
FROM Queries Q
LEFT JOIN DDModules M ON Q.ModuleID = M.ModuleID
LEFT JOIN DDTables T ON M.MainTableID = T.TableID 

Use the QueryID to get the QueryDetailID for the search criteria you want to make dynamic, with the following SQL:

SELECT QD.QueryDetailID, C.ColumnName, QD.Value
FROM QueryDetails QD
LEFT JOIN DDColumns C ON QD.ColumnID = C.ColumnID
WHERE QD.QueryID = {Your key}

Finally, test this SQL script using the QueryDetailID you just identified:

UPDATE QueryDetails SET
     Value = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),126)
WHERE QueryDetailID = {Your key}

When you open up your saved query, you will now see that the date field reflects the current date. If you have more than one field you want to be updated, use the IN operator in your WHERE clause. Or experiment with the DATEDIFF function for updating a field to reflect a date five days ago or five days in the future.

Automating the script

Create a Job under your SQL Server Agent in SQL Server Management Studio, and give it a meaningful name like “TMS: Update Saved Query Dates”. Add a Step, and copy in the script you tested above.

Step in a job to update date values in a saved query.
Step in a job to update date values in a saved query.

Now that you have the Step created, add a Schedule to run everyday at midnight.

Schedule for a job to update date values in a saved query.
Schedule for a job to update date values in a saved query.

Now, enjoy the rewards of having a saved query that is always current.

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