The Museum System

TMS + Social Media

Institutions are increasingly engaging with their audiences through social media. This presentation is full of insights into why social networking is an important component of outreach, and explores how TMS can be used to coordinate institution activities on such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Wikipedia, and more.


  • Create Constituent records for each of your social media accounts.
  • Create Constituent records for your targeted audiences and use these to track your outreach campaigns.
  • Track posts or tweets as text entries in Event records.
  • Track “artifact of the day” using an Event record.
  • For photo sharing sites, use a Media record; record copyright license as an attribute, and tags as text entries.
  • Participate and contribute to Wikipedia articles.
  • Add Skype handles and LinkedIn profile URLs to a Constituent record’s contact details.
  • Create Event records for crowd-funding campaigns.

Originally presented at Collective Imagination.
23-24 May 2012, Washington, D.C.

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TMS + Social Media

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