SQL Scripting, The Museum System

Text Entries in a Single View

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a stack of SQL views just to simplify report writing. Since text entries are so pervasive to TMS’s operation, I find that I am constantly making use of them in various Crystal Reports. Here’s a time-saver: a SQL view that combines the four tables used for controlling text entries and handling notes.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[CMP_BI_TextEntry] AS

FROM TextEntries Te
INNER JOIN TextStatuses Ts ON Te.TextStatusID = Ts.TextStatusID
INNER JOIN TextTypes Tt ON Te.TextTypeID = Tt.TextTypeID
LEFT JOIN Constituents C ON Te.AuthorConID = C.ConstituentID

In my opinion, this is one of the lost views that TMS should ship with.

Update for TMS 2010 and above:

Since TMS 2010, there have been some changes to text entries. Therefore, I thought it was about time to post an update.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[CMP_BI_TextEntry] AS

FROM TextEntries Te
INNER JOIN TextStatuses Ts ON Te.TextStatusID = Ts.TextStatusID
INNER JOIN TextTypes Tt ON Te.TextTypeID = Tt.TextTypeID
LEFT JOIN Constituents C ON Te.AuthorConID = C.ConstituentID
LEFT JOIN DDLanguages L ON Te.LanguageID = L.LanguageID

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Text Entries in a Single View

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